Sunday, May 30, 2010


I have been a rubbish blog updater. My apologies if you still actually read this.
I guess I have learned there is a time to be quiet. The past two months
have been that time. There have been ideas and things to share, but they have
been more personal and things that simply need a bit of muddling over.

I have found that posting less yields producing more.
Something in that is private and personal. I've started to log and keep my
thoughts in different ways and it has been more beneficial to me. I'm not sure
if I am going to be continuing this but I'm not going to decide that this moment.
It comes with time and peace.

Since March, I have been attending the Marina Abramovic retrospective at MOMA.
Tomorrow is the final day of Marina's performance.
If you have yet to see this incredible show, do yourself a huge favor and postpone
your bbq for a couple hours and head over to MOMA.
I'll certainly be there basking in the light of Marina's glow.


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